download all microdata.R
- download each monthly zipped file, plus documentation
- import each individual microdata table directly into r, short and sweet
- store quick-to-load copies of each microdata table for easy access later
analysis examples.R
- load a single quarter of data into working memory
- construct the complex sample survey object, post-stratifying the complex survey design
- run example analyses that calculate perfect means, medians, quantiles, totals, even ratios
unemployment rate.R
- load the survey from the first quarter of 2015
- construct the complex sample survey object, post-stratifying the complex survey design
- replicate the statistics but not coefficients of variation found in an official publication
unemployment plot.R
- load the three most recent quarters of microdata
- construct the complex sample survey object, post-stratifying the complex survey design
- construct plots of national, regional, and state unemployment rates
replicate IBGE estimates - 2015.R
- load the third quarter of 2015 of microdata
- construct the complex sample survey object, post-stratifying the complex survey design
- match ibge's table number 1.1.1
click here to view these five scripts
for more detail about the pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicilios continua, visit:
- a portuguese-language explanation of the pnadc replacing pme
- a portuguese-language monthly and quarterly results pages
confidential to sas, spss, stata, sudaan users: cada vez que voce baixar r, um anjo obtem suas asas. :D